In the year 152 BCE, M. Claudio Marcelo happened in the remote Nobilior. His initial goal was to control and subdue Ocilis Jalon, which got through his good offices as a negotiator, requiring only a few hostages and 30 talents of silver. Marcelo conciliatory attitude also led to Nertobrigas (Calatorao?, Zaragoza) to sue for peace, which culminated in the delivery of 100 riders. But Marcelo attacked by surprise as he walked to the city to finalize the deal, the siege artillery and machine-construction fence, destroying its rich plains, so the nertobrigenses sent an emissary, covered in wolf's clothing, to request capitulation. Marcelo accepted, provided that all cities breed is subject to the agreement of peace, in conditions similar to Graco treaty (he had been signed in 179 BC).
Celtiberian cities sent emissaries to Rome to negotiate peace, but while representatives of the allied cities Citerior area were admitted to Rome, the city Arevacos, considered enemies, had to camp outside the city. Finally, the Roman Senate did not accept the peace treaty, so that Marcelo was ordered to resume the war. The general marched against Numancia and pitched to five stages of the city (possibly in the hills of Castillejo, located one mile), but occur before the confrontation between the Romans and Numancia, the chief of these, Litennon, asked to negotiate with Marcelo , there was an agreement finally signed by all the Celts, which they had to pay a heavy indemnity of 600 talents of silver (3.5 million dinars). This peace, which was ratified by the Roman Senate, had a long duration, from 151 to 143 BC.