The Celtiberian Cultural Association "TIERRAQUEMADA" of Garray-Numantia (Soria)
This association, risen among the neighbours of Garray (Soria) - town located at the feet of Numantia and heir of its rich patrimony expects, through the historic reconstruction, to establish a connection between the scientific work of archaeologists and its didactic presentation. To carry out these historic reconstructions with the necessary scientific rigour, this association relies on the advice of the archaeological team of Numantia basing its principle activities on the presentation of way of life of Celtiberian and Roman world as faced and complementary but essential elements to understand the Numantian and Celtiberian history that becomes reality in the following year events.
- Representation of episode subsequent to the Numantian Wars that is made every year, from 1999, the last Saturday of July.
- In the day of open doors in Numantia that takes place in the second week end of August, the association sees to the setting of the several points of sightseeing to a better understanding of the archaeological site.
- The project Keltiberoi that is the meeting-point and the participation of groups of historic reconstruction to show the ways of life of Pre-roman and Roman cultures that takes place about the middle of August in Garray. These activities are completed with guided tour to Numantia and to the Roman siege of Scipio. These reconstructions present also active didactic workshops which reproduce a wide range of activities related to the ways of life and to the capacity of Celtiberians to make everything.