Celtiberia soriana
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Present works of the Director Plan

Present works of the Director Plan

With the transfer of competences to the Government of Castilla y Leon, concerns for this site increased. After, all these works started thanks to the Director Plan realized by the Government of Castilla y Leon in 1994. It has as objective to coordinate the several interventions in this historic archaeological site for a better knowledge, preservation and social protection. Thanks to these works, the site is more understandable through the reconstruction of some parts of the wall city and houses.

The social support has favoured the active participation of the society: installation of an archaeological hall in the old schools of Garray about “The Siege of Numantia” (administered by the town council), incorporation of the society to the program of diffusion of the Numantian heritage through The Celtiberian Cultural Association Tierraquemada and the Archaeological School (in collaboration with the International Chair Alfonso VIII of Soria Council) addressed to children, get them in touch with the archaeological research and the Celtiberian ways of life. One of the most significant contributions, in research field, had been the excavation and publication of the Celtiberian necropolis, searched by archaeologists from the beginnings of the 20th century that gave important information about the population of the Celtiberian city destroyed by Scipio (funeral rites, concept of richness, food diet, handicrafts, difference of human race and demography). On the other hand, the works in the city have focused on the reinterpretation of the architectural structures, superimposition of two cities.

These interventions have contributed to give a different vision about the archaeological ruins, to revalue the ruin giving a better comprehension; in this way with the symbolic value of Numantia, the better comprehension of the site appears valued now, carrying out the fundamental objective of the archaeological research to give to the society a big and better knowledge of the past. So, Numantia, considering the several possibilities of attraction and development of its zone, has transformed in a development element, gaining in valuation and social esteem as the number of visitors proves.